Our 300.000th QSO!

On May 21st, 2024 at 19:49 UTC, 300,000th QSOs since the beginning on January 1st, 2024 were loaded by Wolfram DL6AG/DM100MW onto the award server! On the 142nd day of the event. That’s an average of around 60,000 QSOs every month. And this despite the legal requirement (in Germany) that you are generally only allowed to be on air with a call sign once at a time. The QSO number would also be much higher if the propagation conditions in the last few weeks had cooperated. The YL/OMs in the DX area in particular had a much more difficult time fulfilling the diploma requirements.

That’s why we have special respect for the patience and perseverance shown by the operations, especially in such connections – on both sides!

… Also we can soon report a total of 21,000 award downloads. Of these, 338 are SWL awards.

…On May 22th 2024 at 21 UTC!!!
