Download of the 21,000th award

The 21,000th award (including 338 SWL awards) was downloaded on May 22nd at 21 UTC, on the 143rd day of our hamradio event!

The number of awards that have already been earned is much higher, but is not recorded separately in statistics. It is in the order of 10-20%. The “unknown number” of awards that have already been worked is probably 25,000.


Our special offer for SWLs with and without a SWL-call sign (good for newcomers…) was positively received, even though the award conditions are quite demanding. So the SWL has to show real “achievement” for his award. For each QSO from one of our SES, he not only has to specify the opposite station, but also has to name another opposite station within a time window of 15 minutes! This is to ensure that the QSOs themselves were heard and that the log is not simply a transcript of cluster entries. In addition, the SWL must enter the QSO data they have heard on our award server via an account that they request from us, because this is where the automatic verification with subsequent award of award points takes place.

Despite these efforts, many SWLs from 12 countries have requested an access code for log entry. So far, 63 SWL accounts have been set up and 338 SWL awards have been downloaded. In addition to the awards, the SWL also downloads its QSL (dQSL) via this account. It couldn’t be more comfortable…