Historical Experiments

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 Radio Craft Books ,  Radio Magazines ,  Radio Experiments  in the Roaring Twenties

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Telefunken served the broad market of schools and universities early on. In a separate division, models and teaching equipment were produced for teaching, laboratory and experimental purposes. Even such an impressive, fully functional transmitter “on the board” (1kW!) was included:

But smaller versions with “only” 10 watts were also available. (both image source: Collages of DL2SWR based of “Telefunken-Stationen und Geräte”/ Funkentechnische Lehrgeräte von 1919 online: https://www.cdvandt.org/Tel-Buch-1919-Teil-3-2.pdf )

to Catalog-Offerte for 10W

Others took care of the much larger area, that of private hobbyists.

in work…

Bezeichnung Untertitel Jahr

(Franckh Verlag)

Bausätze für Rundfunkempfänger
ab 1920
Franckh’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung W. Keller & Co Herausgabe pädagogisch ausgerichteter Experimentierkästen ab 1921




ab 1924 Link
Saba Radiobausätze  


Der Radiomann
Zur “Radiomann” – Story
Aldo Diener HB9AQM
aus HBradio 5/2014
Telefunken-Stationen und Geräte  Funkentelegraphische  Lehrgeräte 1919 (!) Link